As a breast feeding mum who has been feeding exclusively for the last four months, I was extremely happy when Nuby reached out to me to see if I would be interested in trying out their new electric breast pump. As having an electric breast pump meant I could finally build a supply by pumping and my partner would be able to feed Elodie my little girl from time to time taking the pressure off of me.
Hi everyone, me again. I promised myself I would write atleast one blog post a week, but obviously with having two babies under two I think I may have been setting myself up for failure. So here I am 4 weeks after my first post writing again. This time it a product review.
So Elodie is almost 10 weeks old and I thought my birth story was a good place to start for my first post back to blogging. I always enjoy reading how our little bundles of joy enter the world, so thought i would share mine whilst its still fresh in my mind.
It all started on May 14th 2018 at around 6:30pm. id just finished eating my dinner, when I started to feel tightening in my tummy, baring in mind id had absolutely no signs that labour was on its way, i didn't really think anything of it and thought that i was experiencing braxton hicks, again id not had any of these through my pregnancy. They were by no means painful but were slightly uncomfortable so after putting my little girl into bed i decided to have a bath. This was about an hour after id first started feeling the tightening. There i was just laying in the bath, catching up on my favourite Youtubers as I always did when I noticed the tightenings seemed to be coming more frequently. I decided to start timing them on my contraction app, to my surprise they were about 3-5 minutes apart and lasting no longer than a minute. my app was telling me to call the hospital to let them know. I screen shot the warning sent it to Craig, my partner and just laughed it off, ignored the warning and kept on timing them...